Friday, May 10, 2013

Before taking this class, I was unaware of the applications of computer programming (coding). I generally, thought of coding as a mundane task reserved for computer geeks. Now, I understand that the possibilities are literally limitless.

The film mentions how technology is an ever expanding field and that the United States is not producing enough qualified graduates to fill jobs in computer science. Overall, the United States is not producing enough COLLEGE GRADUATES.

Even still, coding is not taught in most public schools for economic reasons. At my high school, computer science classes were offered as an elective but, schools in economically disadvantaged areas would not have the resources or even see the value in teaching computer programming.

On the other hand, schools that do have the ability to teach computer programming should educate students about the benefits of learning computer programming. From open source to social media, coding offers benefits for everyone. 

Kevin Warwick

Kevin Warwick is best known for his research in the field of cybernetics. He has undergone operations in the hopes of becoming the first real cyborg. Warwick believes that human capabilities are limited and the way of the future is to enhance our capabilities by merging with intelligent machines.

I think the work of Warwick shows a clear split between new media productions and science (fiction). Warwick is not focused on creating art pieces, instead he wants to use new technologies to enhance himself.

There are some viable applications of cyborg technology. For example, neural implants could restore movement in paralyzed individuals. However, I think improvement for the sake of improvement represents a slippery slope. Cyborg technology will only be available to those who can afford it. Human-machine hybrids would be so far advanced from the general populace that it would be nearly impossible for regular people to compete.

Many science fiction movies have suggested that intelligent machines are a dangerous and I am inclined to believe it.

Klaus Obermaier and Gideon Obarzaneks

This piece is absolutely amazing. The black and white colors used created an eerie quality. Dance is one of the oldest forms of art, incorporating new media into a choreographed dance routine creates a beautiful contrast.

This piece is similar to the work of Obermaeir, but even more precise. Each movement is complemented by a digital representation. The effects are more complicated and they change rapidly. This kind of technology could reintroduce the beauty of dance to younger generations.

Golan Levin

Golan Levin is one of the forerunners in new media. Most of his work is highly interactive. 

His piece Opto-Isolator, has a mechanical eye that looks back at the viewer 

Another one of his pieces, The Dumpster, is a data visualization of the romantic lives of American teenagers. 

New media represents a merging of art, computer programming and science and I am excited to how this field of art progresses. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Video Art Project

I had a hard time coming up with a topic so I looked to the example videos for inspiration. After viewing the video about PTSD, I decided to take on a political issue. Last year in Congress, conservative Republicans spoke out against insurance coverage of birth control. Rush Limbaugh went as far as to call a graduate student, Sandra Fluke, a "slut" and "prostitute" because she took birth control.

Even more recently, several college campuses have come under investigation for their treatment of rape and sexual assault victims. It almost seems that society is going backwards in its treatment of women. 
I chose to juxtapose news clips with a scene of a woman being raped. The news clips are in black and white to symbolize how the reporters are out of touch with the issues. 

The amount of sexual assaults and rapes on college campuses in particular is appalling. Furthermore the rape culture advises that women dress or act a certain way in order to prevent themselves from "getting raped." The message should not be "Don't get raped" instead it should be 'Don't rape"

I used a free video editing software and it imprinted a watermark on my video. I hope it does not distract too much from the video